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Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Women lose their hair just like men do. Most of the time they lose their hair for health reasons but sometimes it’s also a genetic component just like with men and male pattern baldness.

In fact, hair loss affects about 30 million American women. About 40 percent of all women suffer some form of hair loss or thinning of their hair by age 40. Even though in many cases it’s a normal part of aging, women (more than men) suffer unnecessary embarrassment due to their hair loss. Let’s look at some common causes of hair loss in women.

* Mental and Physical Stress – Any time you’re not getting enough sleep or you’re stressed out, whether it’s mental or physical, there is a chance your body will respond by shedding hair. Usually, if you can get back to homeostasis you’ll grow your hair back.

* Pregnancy – When you’re pregnant, you produce a lot of specialized hormones that help your baby grow. But the result can be a thick full hair while you’re pregnant that seems to all fall out after you have the baby and your hormones fluctuate. For women who suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum (which is a condition that causes very severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and other issues), deficiencies this condition causes can lead to hair thinning and hair loss.

* An Overdose of Vitamin A – Many people think more of something is better. But an overdose of vitamin A can cause hair loss and other problems. It’s important to make sure you’re only taking vitamins that you really need according to blood tests, and not just because someone else said to take it.

* Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency – Iron deficiency (anemia), vitamin B, protein deficiency and nutritional deficits can cause hair loss and hair thinning. It’s always a good idea to get your blood tested to find out what’s going on if you’re experiencing thinning of hair or hair loss.

* Heredity – There is a thing called "female pattern" hair loss that affects some women. You will know if your elders also have hair loss issues. The best course of treatment for this type of hair loss is to use something like Rogaine or a doctor prescribed treatment to help.

* Autoimmune Illnesses – There are a whole host of autoimmune illnesses that can cause hair thinning or hair loss, such as lupus. But there is an autoimmune illness called alopecia areata that causes straight-up hair loss, because it attacks the hair follicles. It’s characterized by scarring and can sometimes be mistaken for ringworm.

* Losing Weight Fast – Whenever you lose weight fast, your body may react by shedding hair. If you had a gastric bypass or do anything to limit your calories to the point that you’re losing more than a couple pounds a week, hair loss is a potential side effect. If you realize that you’re losing your hair as you shed the weight, consider whether you need to add vitamins to your day or add more calories to slow the weight loss.

* Chemotherapy – Hair loss is a well-known side effect for anyone undergoing chemotherapy. The best thing to do is understand that once your treatments are over your hair will grow back. Try finding cute wigs, try different styles and colors, and don’t forget if you’re hot you can just let your bald head shine because even though it’s dramatic, traumatic, and hard - it’s temporary.

* PCOS – Polycystic ovary syndrome is an imbalance in your hormones that can cause both weight gain, cysts, diabetes, period problems, infertility, and hair thinning. If you’ve not changed much in your diet or life but are experiencing any of these symptoms, ask your doctor to rule out PCOS. Not all people with PCOS experience pain.

* Drugs – Prescribed drugs used to treat depression, blood thinners, and others can cause hair loss in some individuals. If you note that you’re losing your hair after starting these types of drugs, be sure to report that to your doctor.

* Over-styling – Tight braids, weave, chemical treatments, even hot-oil treatments and harsh chemicals found in perms and hair color can damage the roots of your hair and cause it to fall out. Sometimes it falls out in patches where the hair was weaker. The trick is to avoid over-styling and try to use fewer chemicals on your hair. In addition, don’t use your hot styling equipment every single day.

These are all possible reasons why you’re losing your hair. No matter the reason, there are usually things you can do to lessen the problems associated with hair loss.

Eight Ways to Conceal Hair Loss

Hair loss in women is not a rare occurrence, but most women experiencing it don’t like to talk to their best friend about it - much less their doctor or anyone else for that matter.

Many factors can play into hair loss, from illness to genetics. No matter what, you should start with talking to your doctor. But in the meantime, there are ways to conceal hair loss.

1. Get the Right Hairstyle – Call around your area and find a salon that has a stylist who has dealt with hair loss. Depending on how severe your situation is, you may be able to simply style your hair in a different way that strategically covers the hair loss. If you normally part your hair on the left, try parting it on the other side to see if that makes a difference. But, dealing with a professional is the best way to ensure that you get a good style.

Sadly, this professional help will not happen at a chain chop shop. You’ll need to find an upscale solution but when you spend the extra time and money on a truly professional service, you usually end up with results that last longer.

2. Wear a Wig – If your hair loss is especially severe, you may want to consider wigs and hairpieces. Today, most wigs and hairpieces (even the ones on the lower price scale) are very well made and don’t make your head as hot as the old-fashioned wigs used to. You can go to a wig shop too and try on some different styles, and then they’ll make one especially for your needs.

3. Bald Is Beautiful – Women are conditioned to have long hair but that doesn’t mean you don’t look beautiful bald or with a buzz cut. Sometimes that is a great solution, depending on where you live. If you live in a hot and humid climate, getting a buzz cut or letting yourself be bald can be a fashion statement of your own. After all, why should you hide something if you don’t really want to?

4. Scarves Are In – Another great way to deal with your hair loss is to use scarves, hats, and other head coverings as a fashion statement. You can use them in strategic ways or cover your entire head. It’s up to you. You can get so many colors and do so many things with scarves that you will feel beautiful.

5. Waterproof Hair Loss Concealer – If you have some small patches on your head, one way to cover it is to use waterproof hair loss concealer on the spots. This works best if you have darker hair than if you have lighter hair, and if your spots are few. Follow the directions for using it correctly.

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6. Dye Your Hair Darker – If you have a few spots that are thinner or even patchy baldness, but you otherwise have a lot of hair, color your hair as dark as is appropriate for your skin tone. Then style your hair in a way that will cover the spots. In combination with the waterproof hair loss concealer, this works great.

7. Try Some Potions - Viviscal Gorgeous Growth Densifying Elixir (link below), Nioxin Diamax, and other potions actually do work to help grow hair, make hair thicker, and help you deal with your hair loss. You can also get prescription level potions from your doctor, which is why you should not be afraid to show them your hair loss.


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8. Get More Volume – Finding ways to add volume to your hair can also help you cover bald and patchy spots. Using a root lift spray can help make your hair fuller so that you can strategically style it around the spots.

As you see, there are many things you can do to try to conceal your hair loss. Hair loss in women is not as rare as you may think so you are not alone in any way. How do you deal with your hair loss?

Myths and Facts about Hair Loss in Women

There are lots of myths surrounding hair loss in women. Let’s go through some of these and correct any misconceptions.

Firstly, did you know that more than 40 percent of women experience hair thinning and hair loss by the time they are 40 years old? It reaches 50 percent after age 50. By comparison, two-thirds of men by age 60 tend to have male-pattern hair loss.

* Hair Loss Is Only a Man Thing – Women suffer from what is called female-pattern hair loss that starts at the top of their head, while men have male-pattern hair loss that starts at the front and the temples. Rarely do women have male-pattern baldness, although it does happen. Because of the way men lose their hair, it seems as if many more men have baldness than women.

* Birth Control Pills Cause Hair Loss – The birth control pills of today are very unlikely to cause noticeable hair loss. In fact, most of the birth control pills today will help your hair grow better and are sometimes prescribed for some types of hair loss for women.

* Hair Loss Is Permanent – This really depends on the type of hair loss you’re suffering from. Many types of hair loss are due to poor nutrition or other problems that can be corrected. For this reason, if you notice you’re suffering from any type of hair loss, you should seek medical attention. And if the first person you see doesn’t seem concerned, find a new doctor.

* Only Older Women Lose Their Hair – The truth is a young woman can lose hair just as much as an older woman. Although hair loss is more common for women after age 40 or right after pregnancy, some young women who are suffering from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) can suffer hair thinning as young as 14 or 15 when they get their menstrual cycles.

* Vitamins and Supplements Can Cure Hair Loss – This totally depends on the reason you’re having hair loss. Don’t add any supplements to your diet without talking to your doctor and getting a blood test. This is because even some vitamins, like vitamin A, can trigger hair loss if you are taking too much.

* Washing Your Hair Makes It Fall Out – The truth is, washing your hair is good for your scalp. Don’t wash your hair less just because it’s falling out. In fact, getting a good scalp massage is good for hair growth, as is washing off oils containing hormones which may increase hair loss in women.

* Brushing Your Hair Makes It Fall Out – You may see strands of hair falling out when you brush your hair, but not brushing will not make your hair fall out more slowly. Your scalp needs stimulation, so it’s better to brush your hair and especially your scalp every day if possible.

Most people lose between 100 to 150 strands of hair a day, and that’s completely normal. Do not be alarmed if you are losing that much. If you notice your hair thinning, or bald patches on your scalp, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider to find out if there is an underlying reason and your options.

Natural Treatments for Hair Loss: Do They Work?

More than likely you’ve found some natural home treatments for hair loss online. But, can and do these treatments really work? We found some of the treatments and studied whether they work or not. Here's what we found.

* Coconut Oil – Some people claim that rubbing coconut oil on the scalp will help lower the incidence of hair loss. However, while coconut oil will not hurt your head or hair, it’s not going to make your hair loss stop or even make your hair grow faster. It will make your hair soft and shiny, though, so there is no reason you cannot use it. Having said that, don’t allow your hair to stay oily around the scalp area unless you are suffering from dry patches that need treatment.

* Egg Yolks – Some people claim that the nutrients in egg yolks can help your hair grow if you spread it on your head. But, this is not true. Now, if you eat eggs which are rich in protein and you’re losing hair due to lack of protein, that may indeed help you grow more hair.

* Diet – If you are losing hair due to poor nutrition, then eating a healthier diet can help. The healthiest diet for anyone suffering hair loss due to nutrition depends on the person. The best thing to do is go to the doctor and get a blood test to find out your nutritional levels, and then eat according to your needs.

* Supplements and Vitamins – Again, don’t take supplements and vitamins without knowing the reason for your hair loss. Some people, for example, find that they are losing hair due to being anemic which is a shortage of iron. But, without knowing the nutritional blood profile of the person losing hair, it’s hard to tell. If you are losing hair due to a deficit, then fixing that will help your hair grow back.

* Essential Oils – Some people swear by essential oils like lavender, rosemary, and others to fight hair loss. But, there are no scholarly studies that prove this assumption. In fact, in some cases, misuse of too many essential oils can cause scalp burns if you use the wrong amount and the wrong levels. But, if you use them correctly, applying oils to your scalp (especially if it’s dry) won’t hurt you.

* Scalp Massage – If you are losing hair, there is some proof that for some people scalp massage will help. The reason is that it stimulates the follicles, bringing blood and nutrition to the scalp. The hair grows at the root, so it just makes sense that treating the root and the scalp can help. Having said that, it depends on the issues you’re experiencing whether this will work or not. But again, it will not hurt you and it feels great.

* Meditation – If you are losing your hair due to a high level of stress, then there is no doubt that reducing your stress is beneficial. Adding meditation practice to learn how to handle your stress better will indeed help.

* Proper Haircare – Many people over-style their hair. They use a lot of chemicals, hot irons, and even glue in their hair - all of which can cause hair loss. If you do this and are losing hair as a result, then naturally using proper hair care techniques that are chemical free and gentle can help you regrow your hair over time.

As you can see, it truly depends on the reason behind the hair loss as to whether the natural treatments will work for you. If it’s something you’re doing such as over-styling your hair, using too many chemicals or stress then yes – the home remedies can work.

But if it’s a function of your genetics or temporary loss due to chemotherapy, there really isn’t anything you can do to prevent it, and you may want to seek more conventional medical treatments. Or wait it out by buying good wigs and scarves instead of wasting your time and money.

Preventative Steps to Minimize Hair Loss

If you’re experiencing hair loss and hair thinning, it’s important to first find out why it's happening and then address the situation properly. Don’t do a bunch of stuff to your hair and scalp without knowing what’s going on. The solution lies with the reason for your hair loss.

Having said that, none of these suggestions to prevent hair loss will harm you or make it worse, so they’re all worth a try.

* Lower Your Stress – If you’re under a lot of stress, it’s important to find a way to eliminate that stress. Whether it’s relationship stress, work stress, or something else, identify it and find a way to work on it. You may need to find a different job, you may need to seek counseling, or something else. It’s important to be realistic about which stress you can lower, though. Maybe you just need a new way to deal with the stress if it’s unavoidable.

* Eat Right and Exercise – Nutrition plays a huge role in the health of your skin and hair. If you’re not eating the right micronutrients, you can suffer problems. For example, not having enough iron, protein, and B vitamins can cause hair loss. The best diet to follow depends on your personal nutritional needs, but the Mediterranean diet is the one most likely to fill all your needs.

* Learn to Meditate – Lowering stress, better digestion, and being more mindful can all play into helping you avoid more hair loss if it’s due to any of these issues. Even if it doesn’t help, it can give you a better frame of mind so that you can deal with the problems associated with your hair loss without more emotional damage.

* Stop Over-Styling – If you’re losing your hair due to over-styling, this is a good reason to stop. Try not to use a hot iron more than two or three times a week. Try to avoid chemicals too. Some people develop chemical allergies that get worse each time they are exposed to the chemical, so it’s important if you’re suffering from hair loss to cut down on the chemicals and rough treatment and focus on being as natural as possible instead.

* Get Regular Scalp Massages – The hair grows at the follicles at the root. By massaging, you can bring important blood to the scalp and encourage more growth. But, it does depend on your type of hair loss. However, a scalp massage, even if you’re losing hair, will not make it worse and it feels nice.

* Take Needed Supplements – If you are losing hair due to a nutritional imbalance, take the supplements that you need to ensure that you are at the right levels. You know if you’re eating right or not, so it’s important to check your diet too and then supplement as needed.

* Use the Right Products – The type of products you should use on your hair depends on the type of hair you have and the reasons for your hair loss. It can help to talk to a professional about it at an upscale salon. Remember, if you go to an upscale salon you may only need to go once or twice a year depending on your type of hair.

* Wash Hair Regularly – Many people with hair loss issues tend to not wash their hair because that’s when they see it falling out. But, the truth is, keeping your scalp clean is important and shampoo is not going to make your hair fall out unless you’re having an allergic reaction. Try washing your hair at least three times a week and wash at the scalp more than the hair.

These steps can prevent extra hair loss, although they will not stop it completely unless you’ve discovered the reason for your hair loss is over-styling or lack of proper nutrition.

The Psychological Effects of Female Hair Loss

Often, female hair loss is something that is overlooked, ignored, and even disrespected as something that is not a real problem. Most doctors don’t point out hair loss even if they notice it during a physical, unless the woman brings it up. This can cause a lot of problems for the woman suffering from female hair loss, and the effects are often psychological.

* Shame – Just like men who experience issues with feeling shamed by their hair loss, women feel the same way. In fact, since baldness is not acceptable in women in our society, they usually experience far more shame than men do.

* Feeling Old – If hair loss starts in peri- or post-menopause, women often feel as if they’re losing their youthfulness. This is the same for men too. It’s like a sign that they’re aging, and they take that to heart. The problem is some young women also experience hair loss. That means women who are relatively young may be feeling this way for no reason.

* Sexual Dysfunction – Women, more than men, have hair tied up in their notion of beauty. For that reason, women who experience hair loss can also suffer from sexual dysfunction and lose interest in sex because they don’t feel attractive. Often, they are just as attractive but it’s part of how our world looks at women versus men. Bald men are seen by women as virile for the most part, while women with short hair or hair loss are not generally seen in the same way.

* Poor Body Image – Even if a woman is otherwise beautiful, having thinning hair, bald patches, or even going bald can affect their body image in a bad way to the point where they feel very unattractive. This is very difficult for some women to deal with because they feel as if they can no longer be themselves.

* Low Self-Esteem – Having bald patches, very thin hair, and being unable to style their hair the way they want can lead to low self-esteem which can rub off onto all aspects of life, until they feel as if they’re good for nothing.

* Feeling Unattractive – Many women who suffer from baldness only feel attractive if they have a wig on and then feel unable to be intimate with anyone due to their lack of hair. They simply feel unattractive and even ugly due to society’s perception of women without hair.

* Self-Isolation – One symptom women who are losing their hair may experience is self-isolation, because they don’t want to deal with their lack of hair. They may end up becoming a recluse and anti-social because of all the feelings associated with lack of hair.

* Feelings of Humiliation – Many women who lose their hair, even if it’s due to chemotherapy, experience humiliation. Their hair is what makes them feel like themselves and helps them express who they are, and now that’s gone.

These problems can make any situation worse. When hair loss starts affecting a person in a psychological way, they may need to seek help from a qualified counselor or professional who can help them learn to deal with their situation if there is no cure. In fact, getting help might even help the woman find their cure because they will get the courage to talk to their doctor about it and look for a solution.

Treatment Options for Female Hair Loss

If you’re suffering from hair loss, there are things that you may be able to do to get treatment for your issue. But, the very first thing you should do is talk to your doctor about it. Sometimes doctors will shrug off hair-loss issues, but you need to advocate for yourself and ask for blood tests that can rule out underlying conditions.

The only exception is if you’re losing your hair for a known reason such as chemotherapy. In that case, there may be things your doctor can recommend, but you may have to just stick it out until the treatment is over and your hair will grow back.

* Diet and Exercise - Hair loss that is happening due to nutritional deficits can be addressed via diet and exercise. The reason diet is so important is that you can lose your hair if you’re not getting the right micronutrients. Exercise is important because it helps with circulation and blood flow.

* Scalp Massage – Anyone who is suffering from thinning hair can benefit from scalp massage. Go to a professional who knows what they’re doing to ensure they don't cause any damage to your head. But massage will bring more blood to the area, causing the follicles to grow more hair.

* Better Styling Techniques – If you’re over-styling your hair, using a lot of chemicals, tight braids, hair extensions, hot irons, and styling products, you can cause your hair to start breaking off and it will look as if you’re suffering hair loss. Try to be gentler with your hair and use more natural products and solutions.

* Using the Right Hair Products – Hair products don’t have to be expensive but for some people, it’s imperative that they pay attention to which ones they’re using. If you have fine hair, use shampoo for fine hair. You don’t want to weigh your hair down and cover your scalp with so much product that it cannot breathe.

* Vitamins and Supplements – If you’re suffering from any type of nutritional deficiency, supplementation can help. This is especially true if you’re suffering from a deficit in your iron or B vitamins. Check with your health care professional before adding supplements.

* Laser Light Treatments – Some people have seen some results from specialized laser light treatments at their dermatologist. Most people think of this type of light as taking hair away, but there are treatments that help you grow hair too.

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* Prescription Topical Treatments – There are a few choices your doctor can give you to help you deal with hair loss. These are products like Latisse, Rogaine, Fluridil, and Nizoral. Do not take any prescriptions for hair loss without studying their potential side effects, though.

* Prescription Drugs – There are also pills that you can take that help with hair loss. Most are only used in males, though, with the main one being Propecia which is what President Trump takes. They still don’t have a pill especially for women.

* Surgery – While only a small portion of women have the right type of hair loss that surgery may help with, it is still a possibility. It’s usually very effective when you follow the doctor’s recommendations for care after the very painful surgery.

No matter what treatment you choose, remember that if you don’t know why you’re losing your hair, you need medical intervention. Only a doctor can diagnose what is happening. Be your own health advocate so that you can get the treatment you need.

What Are the Signs of Hair Loss in Women?

The best way for women to fight hair loss is to notice it when it first starts happening so that you can identify the cause and treat the cause when possible. Let’s look at a few signs that your hair may be thinning for you to pay attention to.

* Your Part Is Getting Wider – If you part your hair, notice whether the part is getting wider or not. If you’re not sure, consider measuring it so that you can check it in a few months to see if there is an increase in the part size over time.

* You See More Scalp When You Pull Back Your Hair – Most women experience hair loss different from men, but you may be able to tell if your hair is getting thinner when you pull it back. If you can’t get the style right like you used to and can see more of your scalp, you may be losing your hair.

* Your Hair Is Flatter Than Before – If you like to have a full hairstyle and you notice that you lack volume and your hair is looking a lot flatter than it used to even though you have the same style and use the same products, it could be that your hair is getting thinner.

* Your Hair Doesn’t Hold a Style Well – Are you finding it hard to get your hair to hold a style compared to in the past? It’s possible that you cannot carry that style anymore due to thinner hair. Consider getting a new style but also consider that your hair is thinner, so you may want to speak to your doctor about it.

* You See More Hair on Your Pillow in the Morning – Each morning, check your pillow when you get up. If you have noticeably more hair on your pillow compared to before, it’s possible your hair is falling out.

* Your Scalp Suffers Burns Easier – Do you notice that spending time outdoors causes pain and pinkness to your scalp more than it used to? Your hair normally protects your scalp. If it’s not protecting it like it used to then your hair may be thinning substantially.

* Your Pony Tail Is Smaller – If you often wear a ponytail and you notice your band falling out or that you must put it on tighter than you did before (even if you buy new bands the same as you had before), your hair is likely thinner.

* You’re Clogging Your Drain More Than Normal – Is your tub drain getting clogged more than it used to? If so, you may be losing a lot of hair in the bath or shower compared to what you used to lose. This could be a sign that your hair is falling out.

* You See More Hair in Your Brush - When you brush your hair, do you see a lot more hair coming out with each brush than before? Don’t stop brushing your hair - it’s good for your scalp, but do talk to your doctor about how much hair you’re losing so you can get a check-up to try to identify the reason.

If you see any of these signs, don’t panic. Your first stop should be your doctor to ask for a blood test to determine if you have an underlying health issue causing the problem. Your doctor will look at your medications as well to find out if you’re taking something that has hair loss as a side effect.

When to See the Doctor about Your Hair Loss

The real short answer about when you should see your doctor concerning your hair loss is when you want to. Some doctors are going to brush you off and tell you that it’s just "female pattern" hair loss. But there are many possibilities besides that and you should be tested to ensure that you don’t have underlying health issues causing the problem. So, if your doctor isn’t listening, find a new one.

* You Have Underlying Health Conditions – If you have any health issues, from autoimmune illnesses to diabetes, you should talk to your healthcare professional when you have any new symptoms - including hair loss.

* Sudden Hair Loss – If your hair suddenly starts falling out fast, then you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. There are many illnesses that are serious that cause hair loss. It’s best to be safe than sorry.

* Bald Patches on Your Head – If you have actual bald patches on your head, it’s very important to go to a doctor. You can start with your primary care physician and if they cannot figure out the cause then they may send you to a dermatologist or even an endocrinologist.

* You Believe Medication Is Causing Hair Loss – If you’re on any type of medication, you can look it up on Google to find out the side effects. With many, you’ll be shocked to learn that they have side effects including hair loss. If that’s the case, there may be a different medication that your doctor can give you.

* Your Scalp Is Scaly – You may have a scalp condition that can cause hair loss, such as psoriasis or something else. Luckily, this can be treated, and you may be able to stop or slow the progression of hair loss.

* You Have a Rash on Your Scalp – If you have any type of rash anywhere, you should see your doctor. Make sure you tell them before you come in that you have a rash so that they can isolate you and be prepared in case you’re contagious.

* Large Amounts of Hair in Your Brush – If you see large amounts such as a fistful of hair in your hairbrush after you brush your hair in the evening, you may have a serious condition that requires medical treatment, so see your doctor.

* You Want to Learn about Treatment Options – If you are having any measure of thinning hair, you will want to start with an appointment to your doctor to rule out underlying health issues that can cause hair loss. Then, when you’ve dealt with those you can move on to other treatment options.

Seeing your doctor when you are suffering hair loss can be stressful, but it is necessary if for no other reason than to get a blood test to ensure that you don’t have a more serious condition causing hair loss.

Where to Find Support to Deal with Your Hair Loss

Women are often social creatures, or at least we like to talk about our issues with others. We want to hear from others who have gone through what we are going through. Hair loss is no different. Here are some places to find support for female hair loss.

* Women’s Hair Loss Project – A woman who was experiencing hair loss issues from 21 years old started this project to try to find out information, as well as get and provide support for women with hair-loss issues. You can join a group, read articles, and get a lot of support. Join their Facebook group too.


* Hair Loss Support Group – You can find out information about a lot of different support groups on this site, and hair loss support is one of them. If you’re a woman suffering from hair loss and want support, this is a good place to start.

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* Alopecia World – This is a great place to get support, find wigs, and other help for women who are suffering hair loss due to alopecia (or any other reason too). You can find a lot of things to buy, join other members in discussion, watch videos and see photos.

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* Her Hair Loss Help – This is a great group that was created just for women who have hair loss issues. There is a lot of information, resources, and a forum to help you get support from real people who are also going through hair-loss issues.

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* Hair Loss in Women – This is an organization that helps educate women and the public about hair loss in women. You can click on your cause of hair loss and look at various types of hairstyles that you can get if you have thinning hair.

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* Facebook Groups – You can find support on Facebook for almost anything. Just do a search in the search bar for "women’s hair loss community" and you’ll find several to choose from. The best way to use a group is to join a couple at a time to try them out to find out which group helps you most.

* – There are groups for literally everything on MeetUp and what’s great about it is that they’re local groups that you can become part of. This can help you a lot to get to know other women who have the same issues you do.

* A Counselor or Psychologist – You can seek professional counseling to help you deal with the emotions associated with hair loss. Some people prefer dealing with these issues privately and to do that, seeking help from a counselor or psychologist can help tremendously.

Hair loss in females is often a hidden problem. Women tend not to tell people about it and instead choose to cover it up. But, getting support can help tremendously because it’s not something you should be shameful about or hide. It’s a real condition that affects more than 30 million Americans, and more than that worldwide. Don’t give up getting the help you need.

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